I'm wheels up tomorrow morning at 6:00AM, bound for a six day assignment in Hamilton, Bermuda. Let me first say, I'm not complaining about the assignment (I mean I am really lucky to work for company that has such a cool global footprint) - it's a plum one and I'll be staying in a really nice place,
The Fairmont Hamilton Princess. I mean, take a look:

But it's six days away from Shari and the kids, just as Sarah is getting ready for her move to Provo and Courtney is packing up for a three week summer vacation that starts with EFY and then two weeks with her maternal grandparents. I'll hardly see them before they leave and that's not fun. And who wants to be in Bermuda alone? Not me, but that's they way it's working out for this trip. So I've picked up a new book about Somalian refugees (fun, light reading...not), a couple of magazines, including the Conference Issue of the
Ensign...maybe I'll finally get caught up on that critical reading. And I've also packed the greatest shoes ever:

Can I just tell you that I love these shoes? I cannot believe that at this stage of my life that I have discovered running and discovered that I really like it. I know that I'll never, ever be a
Dean Kanzares, the Ultramarathon Man, but I am not going to shame myself. I'll get a couple of 5k's in, then try a 10K and see where we go from there. But I do have to give a shout out to my buddy Jeff who
is an ultramarathoner...Bro, you are amazing. As I was wheezing through my third mile a few days ago at Herrick, Jeff breezed by me, in his 11th mile of 30 that day. The man rocks.
It's been a stunning day in Chicagoland - high 70's, low humidity. Great day to do the lawn and run and have lunch outside at
Potbelly's. They put Subway and other sandwich shops to shame, and deservedly so. My "skinny" turkey sandwich was awesome! We'll wrap up the evening with a 6:00PM baseball game. We'll see if Parker pitches or is hunkered down behind the plate, as catcher anchoring his team. It's going to be a beautiful night no matter what!
It's an all day affair tomorrow on the world's worst airline, USAirways, so I need to pysch myself now for that theater of cruelty. That's the drag about getting to/from Bermuda - seriously limited options out of O'Hare. And I'm stuck on US - it's the only way I can get my beloved United Mileage Plus miles. I gotta keep my 1K Global Services status - that's all I'm saying.