It didn't take me long to snap out of my state of Aloha. All it took was a look at the insane, pathetic, and what will be futile media blitz of our fine state's sociopathic governor, Rod Blagojevich. For the longest time, I was convinced that he was a full-blown sociopath. Turns out he's not your garden variety sociopath. Oh no. No, brothers and sisters, Rod is a
megalomaniac, no if's, and's, or but's about it.
His stunning disregard for what the people of Illinois want (that would be his immediate departure from office) and his bizarre media blitz (so misguided that his attorneys who never met a nutty defendant they didn't like) have abandoned him. His proclamations (Oprah was on the short-list for Senate!) are further proof of his delusion. I could rant on and on but I think I'd point you to
Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass and his column, "
A comedy for some; for us, a horror show." It's quite brilliant. Read it.
One thing I can't let go, though. Do remember the old song from, if I remember correctly, "
Sesame Street"?
"One of these things is not like the other/One of these just doesn't belong"
I may have the lyric a little off, but I know you can hum it along with me. While humming let's play the game. Look at the pictures below and then tell me which one doesn't belong:

So which one doesn't belong?
If you said the creepy looking guy with the even creepier looking hair, you have chosen wisely. You've chosen Rod Blagojevich. Unfortunately, this is a game he does not know how to play. His megalomania has him convinced that his 'ordeal' likens him to Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela. How dare he! Two of those men gave their lives,
THEIR LIVES, in pursuit of bettering the human condition (and that doesn't even do their sacrifice justice) and Mandela sat rotting in jail for years, all for wanting to be treated equally. And yet Blago thinks he's on par with them. Wow. There are no words.
All right. Enough. I'll stop. It's enough already. Clearly I need some more aloha. Or Brazil. I leave for Brazil Friday. It's warm there. That will soothe me.