So I had myself a little meet n'greet with a State Trooper earlier this afternoon. Turns out that this:
texting while drivingis, in fact, against the law. Turns out they weren't kidding when the law went into effect earlier this year. I was minding my own business, hurtling down the I88, getting more and more annoyed by texts coming in from the Help Desk at work. They were pestering about an issue that wasn't mine. I was texting the dope back, telling him to leave me be as I was in my car, when I looked to my right to see the State Trooper right alongside me. On went the flashing red lights and within seconds, I was pulled over, getting this:

Ah, good times. First words out of the officer's mouth: "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?" Seriously, what was I going to say. In the seat next to me, in open view, were two devices, my Blackberry and my iPhone. I would do myself absolutely no favors in saying that I had no idea. So I copped to it, saying, "Yep, I know. Does it help that I was telling the guy to stop texting me because I was driving?" Based on the Trooper's stony facade, no, no it did not help. So off he went back to his car to write me up. He took his sa-weet time to write up the ticket. While he was doing that, I have to tell you my mind drifted to the scene from "
The Blues Brothers" wherein Jake and Elwood evade the State Troopers in my fine state in an epic chase through a mall. For just one second, or maybe two, I wondered what it would be like if I suddenly pealed off. Ridiculous is what it would be. Simply ridiculous. I mean I just don't think the Avalon could take on a mall the way the Troopers did in the movie.

No mall chase for me. I'll just pay my fine and hope it doesn't hit my insurance. So listen up, kids, no texting while you drive!