02 March 2008

As the snow melts...so California, here we come!

When we left for Church this morning, the temperature read 50 degrees! I can't remember the last time we saw that high a reading! It was really nice. It rained while we were getting religion and it was warm enough to put a nice melt on the three foot drifts that have become a permanent part of our driveway decor. While I still don't think winter is done, this has been a nice break today.

It's been a good day of rest. Parker is working on a project about Odysseus - it's due tomorrow of course; Sarah's been sleeping, and Courtney has been working on mastering the skill of cupcake decorating. She's working on that for her Patterns class at school. She's been rolling out the fondant and getting all Martha Stewarty (which is fine so long as we avoid the sour personality and prison sentence). It kills me that she's making cupcakes. I LOVE cupcakes! However, now that I've lost a nice chunk of weight (hasta luego, man boobs!) the last thing I need to be throwing down are cupcakes. That being said, I did eat one.

I've also been grateful for the blessing of a family that still likes to do stuff together. We went out as a family last night after going to the Chicago Temple. It was really nice to be together as a family, laughing and talking. It was there that we made the decision about our spring break plans.

California...here we come! We aren't heading to Florida. It's back to our old home! We are really looking forward to several days with wonderful old friends, great Mexican food, and no threat of snow. Still not sure what all we will do, but the airline tickets are bought, the car reservation is secure, and most of the hotels are done. I will not belabor the nightmare I've had trying to book a room at a certain hotel in Temecula. Two of the four nights are confirmed. I actually have to get the National Sales Director for the hotel chain in question involved tomorrow. I am amazed at the lengths businesses, especially hospitality businesses, will go to not take your business. Stunning! But it's Sunday, the Sabbath, and I need not invoke curse words. We are so looking forward to our trip back!

I am not looking forward to going back to the office. It's going to be a rough week and with Shari leaving on Thursday for twelve days, ugh! Like I said, it's going to be a rough week....


  1. Great job on the weight loss, Mike! I would have eaten the cupcake, too. I've been hovering at the 40 pounds lost mark for a month and finally lost 2 more last week. I am on my way to losing the last 30. WooHoo! It's pretty ugly that I was that overweight. Nevermore, nevermore.

    Can't wait to see you over spring break. Bring your coats, I hear it's suppose to snow. j/k ;)

  2. Anonymous6.3.08

    Finally, you have seen the light and are coming back to the homeland! The pool has been calling my name (apparently it has been calling yours as well) and I'm too weak to resist. I only went twice last week. I'm excited for Sarah to be heading off to Provo(man you guys are old - a college student!) See you soon!!!
