31 May 2008

I'm Back

It's been a long week, although I'd be a fool to complain about the fact that I just spent the last six days in Hamilton, Bermuda. But when five of those days are spent all day inside your company's offices and you are there without your wife...it just becomes one more LONG business trip. And congratulations to USAirways for yet another rendition of "Theatre of Cruelty" at 38,000 feet. I have to give it to them - they have embraced sucking like no other airline I have ever seen. Every customer-facing employee has wholeheartedly embraced the fact that they HATE the very customers that are paying to fly their airborne train wreck and that the best way to treat any and all is with complete and total disinterest, lack of regard, and most importantly, contempt. And that's when everything is working as it should be. Anyway, I think this picture says it all:

Anyway, had about 200 emails in the "Junk" file alone when I got home. Seriously, did every spam filter on the planet fail this week? I've never seen so many Cialis/Viagra emails in my life. Did I miss a memo? So I am now in the middle of an additional spam filter download and then it's off to Parker's baseball game.

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