05 June 2008

More 80s stuff - now it's cheesy

So this whole Yaz reunion has me all kinds of worked up and discovering Yaz videos on Youtube has set me into a search for all kinds of 80s video. It's like having unlimited access to VH1 Classic (without Flava Flave and his skanks). I've decided to post all manner of 80s music this summer and I'll do it from time to time, but I thought tonight would be a great night to kick it off with some serious cheese. Our first clip is an homage to garbage bag fashion - watch the redhead - she's so into this it's bordering on the homicidal - anyway, you can thank some British producers for the ladies of Toto Coelo (seriously, that's the name) and this gem 'I Eat Cannibal' - really, there are no words:

And then there is this classic from Julie Brown (no, not the HORRIBLE English MTV VJ - yep, VJ, MTV once did play music videos). I hesitated at first about posting this, given the subject matter, but this was made way before it became fashionable for kids to shoot up their schools. This is WAY pre-Columbine. I actually remember buying this record (yep, a real live record, black vinyl and all) at the Sherman Oaks Galleria in the spring of 1984. My buddy Andy and I had decided to spend spring break of our senior year in California, trying way too hard to be the cool people we were convinced that we were and I heard this song on KROQ as we were driving to Malibu and I knew I had to have it. So it was off to the Galleria in search of the record and some Valley girls. At least I got the record. It was an EP and had four of the funniest songs I had ever heard...so anyway, enjoy this one (and if you were a homecoming queen...too bad-this is too good to pass up):

Keep checking back for more videos - I promise they won't always be so cheesy!

1 comment:

  1. just say no! Actually, I did laugh a little, but I prefer yaz!
