30 July 2008

Fleeing LAX

It's Wednesday afternoon and I've just made it through the scrum that is the TSA security line at Terminal 6 at LAX. A model of efficiency it is not. Apparently, I had the joy of being there during the mandatory ten-minute period of discussion that must go on between the monitor reader and the boarding pass inspector. It happens every twenty minutes and it prevents all from going through the line. It's awesome and it makes me hate traveling even more.

Anyway, I am on a plane in about twenty minutes. It was fun to be back in LA. The NBTA conference was outstanding. Our best numbers yet and lots of great feedback. The earthquake was a highlight. Nothing like trying to calm down a few very nervous Brasilians when the earth started to shake!

I'll be back up to speed on posting sometime this weekend. I'm out - need to go board the Old Gray Mare and head home. Wonder what's for dinner? Lasagna or pastrami sandwich?

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