20 August 2008

The Dems in Denver...a coming coup d'etat?

While my head has been spinning since the events of this past Sunday, I have found some time to give some thought to what is shaping up to be a potential coup d'etat on American soil. And frankly, in a democratic society like ours, that's a rarity. But whenever you get the Bride of Satan involved, can anything surprise?

Next week as the lovely Shari and I will be enjoying the last of winter Down Under, our nation's Democrats will be meeting in their national convention. Buckle up, people, because this is where it's going to get really interesting. Why? Because Obama caved to the Clintons and their band of Clintonistas. Shrillary, after finally throwing in the towel on her heinous campaign, has kept her yap closed, at least publicly, about how wrong it is that she didn't sew up the nomination. She's even made a tepid, at best, public endorsement for Obama and made a couple of "statements" about party unity. Meanwhile, she and her modern-day band of Gadianton robbers, have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to secure her some kind of marquis spot at the convention. And boy have they done it. I don't even want to fathom the deals that have gone down or how many people that still had a modicum of a soul left sold them in order to get her the place she so badly covets.

Well, whatever they've done has worked. Obama caved and Shrillary has a keynote speaking position and gets a public roll call vote. In her words, that will help to heal. Apparently in the Clintonista lexicon, "heal" is defined as ripping apart at all costs to get what you want. Glad she never had to take a bandage off me. The skin would have been ripped off to the bone! Anyway, undoubtedly, they'll use this roll call to do something...like I said, buckle up, because here comes the coup d'etat. Obama really blew this.

So departure for Sydney is less than forty-eight hours away. Let's hope that Mother United does not decide to eliminate complimentary meals on the transpac flights before Friday, like they've just done on flights to Europe out of Washington DC. An epic bad decision. Epic. Nevertheless, it's just about time for the vacation/early anniversary celebration to get underway. It really is time to go!

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