12 September 2008


I could not be HAPPIER that it's Friday. This has been one of the longest work weeks ever. I've never intended for this space to be a forum for me to whine about work and I'm not about to start, but I do have to say that this past week will go down in the record books as one of the most heinous that I've had in a long, long time. One of those 70-plus hour work weeks with a quick trip to New York thrown in for good measure.

I was in Rochester, New York speaking at a New York State Business Travel Association event on September 11th. While the meeting was not a 9/11 memorial, given how the events of that fateful day seven years ago impacted my industry, I was asked to make some remarks to the 40-some odd people in attendance. As I spoke of that dreadful day, I found myself becoming far more emotional than I thought I would. It struck me that it has been seven years and I fear that it's fading from our national memory. That can't happen. We can't let the blowback of the longest presidential campaign in the history of, oh I don't know, the eternities, or a weakened economy, or the possible comeback from this side of crazy of one Britney Spears (and if she does, her certain collapse will be without compare!), let us forget what happened to our world, not just our nation, that day. We have to rise above our national tendency of short attention span and do all that we can to be a force for good in this world.

Anyway, I'm just glad the weekend is here. I get to fast the rest of the night in advance of yet another blood test tomorrow. Let's see where my white cell count lands this time. Based on what I've read on WebMD and my white counts during my physical, I probably have something ridiculous, but that's why I shouldn't put too much stock in self-diagnosing. That's a bad trait in my family...it usually doesn't go well.

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