10 October 2008

From the Thai Royal Silk Lounge

My seven day trip to Bangkok is coming to an end and this is the first chance I've had to connect to the Web from my laptop. I've had Blackberry access all week so that's kept me on top of work but I've been disconnected. My flight to LA leaves in a couple of hours and I'm all checked in for that sixteen (16!) hour fiesta.

I have lots of pictures to post - Bangkok is pretty interesting (nothing like government protesters getting killed and having to walk through another protest to get to my tailor). It's different than other cities in Asia that I've visited. Had the greatest experience at the Baipai Thai Cooking School today. I'll be posting more about it when I get home but suffice to say, it was awesome! So look for more posts and pictures later this weekend.

I don't even get back to Chicagoland until 2PM local time on Saturday. I am glad to be going home. I love coming to Asia, but it's always good to get home!

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