05 January 2009

Me duele la cabeza

When I was in Miami years ago as a missionary, you learned very quickly to NOT ask an elderly Cuban lady how she was doing. Why? Because she would tell you. It was always a litany of pains, beginning with the head, always the back, and then issues in the legs. "Ay mihjo, me duele la cabeza! Y la espalda siempre me duele. El dolor me mata!" I hear those refrains like some kind of painful lamentation in my head to this day.

Yet, here I am today, lamenting in much the same way. My head is killing me. It once again began at 330AM today and has hardly let up. Can someone please remind me why I decided to stop drinking Diet Coke/Pepsi et al?

I mean I know why. Ultimately it will be good for me. However, right now, no likey-likey what's going on. Give me strength!

1 comment:

  1. Michael...I have been there before. All I can say is Excederin Migrane. It works like a charm
