16 February 2009


It's an auspicious day for our family today, 16 February. Our eldest child, Our Lady of BYU, turns 19.

It's been a terrific 19 year ride so far for her. She's having the time of her life now at school, having great fun, making lots of new friends, and finding a little bit of time to fret over her choice of major. She's brought us a tremendous amount of joy, as all our children have. It's quite a thing to watch her wade the waters of young adulthood. I'm grateful for the decisions she's made so far. She's doing well. I'm glad that she's sharing her life with us the way she does - glad she let me hang with her one weekend at school last fall:

I marvel that we have a nineteen year old. She's very much like her mom, organized, focused. She's got a bit of my viewpoint on life - we'll see how that serves her. I love her tagline...."Life's tough, get a helmet." That's my girl!

Remember the movie version of "The Wild Thornberrys"? Paul Simon sang a song called "Father & Daughter" and it pretty much nails how I feel about the birthday girl and her sister, CAL. Here's the video:

I'm standing guard still and there's never been a father who loves his daughters as much as I love Our Lady of BYU and her sister CAL.

Happy birthday, Princess. Love you, Dad

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