22 April 2009

I feel a Mileage Run coming on

I'd love to say that what I'm feeling is the desire to get in some serious miles running. The truth is that I'd love to run again but I'm still under the running ban until the first week of May, which is killing me, as the weather has finally turned great here in Chicagoland. I saw one of my buddies running today around noon and I was jealous to the point of coveting the ability to run. Rather than wallow in covetousness, I figured I should focus on something else. Like a mileage run.

Anyway, the mileage run I refer to is one that will only require running through airports. In the airline industry's collective stupidity to stimulate traffic, several carriers have offered double- and triple-Elite mileage qualifying schemes that are good through the middle of June. While there's plenty of ways to define a mileage run, the way I see it is getting as many segments with the most miles for the least amount of money possible in a fairly short amount of time. Wikipedia does a more eloquent job of defining a mileage run if you are so inclined. I need to shore up my status on United for 2010 and with all the travel cutbacks at work, I don't see it happening through business travel. So I need to find a few places to get to on the cheap, adding up as many segments as I can. I need to add a few more lines to this map:
Or this one:

So that's my quest. Suggestions are welcome. It doesn't need to be an international destination per se. If you've had any luck with a mileage run, let me know.

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