10 May 2009

Giving Moms their day

It's the second Sunday in May and it's another Mother's Day. I hope it's been a good day for the mothers in my life. My mom, my wife, my mother-in-law - all three are and have been amazing mothers and I'm so grateful for how their lives are intertwined. Their connections have resulted such blessings for my family. I am so grateful to them. Grateful probably doesn't do it justice.

I can think of no greater blessing than the one that occurred that September day so long ago when I arrived in my parents' home. They'd waited a long time for me and the selfless gift of adoption made it possible. That put me where I was meant to be and I've been blessed with the most amazing mother as a result. It was good to talk to my mom today. I woke her up this afternoon when I called and it was good to hear her voice and hear about her day. I'm glad she's had a good day and am even more grateful for my brother and sister supporting her and my dad the way that they are. Words can't express my gratitude there.

I am also grateful for my mother-in-law, Julie, for raising the daughter that she did. She and my late father-in-law raised a rare and special woman. One who chose to marry me (some things simply can't be explained...UFO's, Hillary Clinton's cankles, etc.). I'm grateful for how she has supported the decisions that the stunningly patient SML and I have made along the way. I know it's not been easy for her watching us move, first to SoCal and now to Chicagoland. But she's been a tremendous support and I'm grateful.

And then there's my wife, the stunningly patient SML, the mother of our three children. She's created a home, no matter where we've lived, for us. She's simply been an amazing mother. And she continues to mother to this day. She's done an incredible job. She's a woman of faith, spiritual strength, patience, and good humor. I cannot imagine a life without her.

So we tried to pay tribute to her today with breakfast in bed. That was made by Our Lady of BYU, who has returned from school with a new-found focus on diet and exercise. She's the house nutrition fascist so she made her mom breakfast. Then it was off to Church (most of my pre-meetings were cancelled today) where we got to hear the stunningly patient SML address the congregation. That's never easy - speaking to a couple of hundred people, but it's especially challenging on Mother's Day. She did a great job. After Church, it was dinner. The girls did the sweet potato fries (baked, of course). The Boy and I grilled the strip steaks. I had hoped to do them over charcoal this afternoon but my one meeting after Church ran long and didn't allow enough time to get the coals going, so four gorgeous strip steaks went on the gas grill. It was a fairly perfect spring afternoon here so it made it awesome to be outside. Our budding vegetarian, CAL, got a piece of chicken. Made a garlic butter for the steaks, plus had a chimichurri sauce. Simple meal, but dang good. We capped it off with strawberries and angel food cake.

And speaking of capping things off...tonight is the finale of the 14th season of "The Amazing Race." I won't spoil the ending. I'll just say I was happy with how it went down. I'm even happier that TAR has been renewed for a 15th season. I'd be even happier if I were on it. Some day...

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