02 August 2009

Sunday Mash-up

Sunday is winding down. How this is a day of rest is beyond me...well, at least it's a respite from work and all the temporal stuff. But, let's not fool anyone, this is no day of rest. It has been a good day though. Plenty of good religion and fellowship with a lot of really good people at church today. I like days like that.

It's been a good couple of days as well. After work on Thursday, I drove north up into Wisconsin, through a charming thunderstorm, on my way to meet the Boy at Scout Camp. By the time I got there, the storm had passed and I set up my tent, inflated my air mattress and made my own little "Four Seasons" in the woods. OK, that's a bit delusional, but it's what I had to keep telling myself so as not to go insane. It was really good to see the Boy as he'd been gone for five days at this point. He and buddies had had a really good time and for that I was glad. He's a much better camper at 13 than I was (I hated, HATED, HATED Scout Camp). He's just a much different kid than I was and that's good. Have to admit I slept surprisingly well and the boys were off early Friday to clinics. The Boy's Scoutmaster and I decided to go out for a run. This was not a wise pairing. He's an amazing athlete and I am a train-wreck runner. But off we went anyway. I kept up with him for our first mile and then, as I told him, we went our own directions. Well, we went the same direction, I just went a lot slower. Anyway, it was a hilly run through the Wisconsin cornfields. I did about 6.5 miles and found that I really dug a good long run. It was slow, but it was good. The weather was just about perfect. Warm, but not hot, and no stifling humidity. I found running by the farms to be very centering and calming.

I also liked the challenge of getting through a long run. I did a lot of talking to myself. The cows must have thought I was a maniac. My one mistake was not bringing my new "Fuel Belt" with me. I brought no water and that was kind of stupid. It was really stupid. I need to call a spade a spade here. Anyway, after the run, a shower, even a scout camp one, was in order. I have to give props to whoever designed these showers though - hot water instantly and open to the sky. It was very cool. The afternoon was quiet as the boys wrapped up the last of their classes. Closed the night at the agonizing closing event, which included the usual array of lamer than anything skits and songs. Again, it all reminded me why I could never get behind the whole Scout thing as a kid. At this point, the boys were ready to go home so it wasn't too tough to convince them to get some rest so we could leave early Saturday. Which is precisely what we did.

We got home by noon on Saturday. The stunningly patient SML had been in the City for the day in the Mexican area called Little Village. She bought a lot of outstanding pork and chorizo and corn tortillas. We had a veritable feast when she got home. Sadly, I nearly lost it all when she and I and the Boy went to see the "Transformers" sequel. It was hideous. 30 minutes in, I was begging to leave. I spent the last two hours of the film crafting a class action lawsuit against Michael Bay, the director, in my head. I want justice.

And now, it's Sunday night. I get to fill out school registration forms now. What a way to close the weekend. Nice.

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