14 March 2010

Shame on my iPod

"Shame on you, iPod. Shame on you." Why am I reprimanding my iPod? Well, I'm not. I'm reprimanding some of what I have on it.

This all came about Saturday after a six-mile run with my CARA running group. It was a cool morning with a little bit of misty rain falling but was comfortable enough to run in short sleeves. I had one ear phone in to hear my pacing - I didn't want both in so as to not hear my running partners. During the run, one song came on and I thought to myself, 'I sure hope no one can hear this. I'd be drummed out of the group for a song like this.' So after my run and as I was driving home, I started thinking about my running playlist, how I want to change it up, and what's on my iPod that would shame me were I to be hit by a truck and some schmo grabbed it in the ensuing chaos.

If you've read the blog before, you pretty much know I'm not concerned about embarrassing myself, so here it goes. The shame of my iPod:
Yep, it's Hutch. From that completely boss and ridiculous 1970's cop show, "Starsky and Hutch." Now before you think I'm completely mental, I don't have the whole album shown above on my iPod. Just one song. Probably the second worst song of the 70's. "Don't Give Up On Us" That's the one on my iPod. That is my shame of shames. But at least I don't have the single WORST song of the 70's, "You Light Up My Life" in my playlist. I promise.

So what's your song of shame on your iPod? What's the one song you tell your friends totally blows but in fact is one of you top played songs? Something like "We Built This City on Rock and Roll"? You know what I'm talking about. I want to hear your most shameful. It could make for a really fun playlist. Let me know what your shame song is...if I get enough responses, I'll post the playlist without naming names. You know, to protect "the innocent."

1 comment:

  1. okay, now I probably have a few but I'll confess this one.
    It's pretty bad. And really embarrassing.

    "You're Having My Baby" by Paul Anka
