18 March 2011

25 Years Ago Today

I've not hidden much when it comes to this blog.  It's a pretty vivid picture into my life and my way of thinking.  To some, I say too much - my late father, on more than one occasion, expressed his concern about what I had said in the "pages" of the Den.  My wonderful Dad was concerned about what I had to say pretty much my whole life.  He had an amazing filter - I do not. 

While I won't ever have my Dad's filter, there's much in his life I hope I'm emulating.  He was a great example and I tried to think of that example when I served a mission for my Church.  I've made no secret about being a Mormon.  It's a part of who I am and much of who I've become occurred as I served in the Florida Ft. Lauderdale Mission more than 25 years ago.  I've been thinking about that mission a great deal lately as we have a couple of friends who have sons awaiting mission calls in the coming days.  I've even gone back to the journals that I kept for those two years.  I've laughed, cried, and squirmed as I've read it.  Now it's your turn - I've decided to take snippets from entries I wrote 25 years ago.  I won't do this every day, but I'll keep this going until I run out of patience I get asked told to stop or I get bored with it.  Whichever comes first.  Here goes:

18 de marzo 1986 (Editorial aside - I served a Spanish-speaking mission, apparently putting the dates in Spanish was my lame attempt at demonstrating my bilingual skills): I thought I'd be spending the day at Miami Int'l with members, but of course, there was a change of plans...Saw Sandra.  Wound up loaning her $100 so she can get her little brother out of this Texas refugee camp.  (Editorial aside - I'm pretty much certain I never saw that $100 again.)  Saw members and investigators for the day.  Everyone seems to be progressing.  A good sign...We spent some good time with Juan.  He so badly wants to change his life and progress towards our Father in Heaven...It's cool to see him desire the company of God.  And that's why we are here!

As I reread these journal entries, I can't help but smile.  Man, Miami in the mid-80's was not the place it is today.  I'm really glad I had the time there that I did.  I look forward to sharing more of those experiences.

1 comment:

  1. Nice thoughts about your father. I miss mine as well. Bien hecho.
