10 March 2011

Things I learned on this last trip

I got back last night from a five day trip to Seattle.  I was out there for a conference and I had precious little time to enjoy what is a really cool town.  I did learn a few things.  Here are some highlights:

  • If Comic-Con or anything like unto it comes to your town, get as far away as possible.  I learned this the hard way, sadly, this past weekend.  It was Seattle's version of Comic-Con, and it was disturbing.  Lots of "Star Wars" characters walking around the streets as well as "Furries."  Yikes.  And you've never seen so much social awkwardness in your life.  Lots of overweight teenagers who's only interaction with the opposite sex has been online.  
  • In the ward I went to on Sunday, apparently it was "Shirk Your Parental Responsibility Day."  I've never been in a louder Church meeting in my life.  Seriously.  I think it was because it was a "Newly Wed/Nearly Dead" ward.  This could be the subject of an entire post.  Also, it is not necessary to dress your four-year old son in an orange bedazzled (yes, I said it, bedazzled) salwar kameez for church.  Especially when you're not Pakistani.  And your kid is a tow-headed blond.
  • I also learned that I still love Mee Sum Pastry in Seattle and their curry hombow.
  • Finally, I learned the hard way that Mother United should stop serving vegetarian chili in First Class.  Yes, it looked like an improvement over the tepid, watery minestrone that they've been serving for months.  A pressurized cabin.  Lots of beans.  Do I need to paint the picture anymore vividly?
So there you have it.  Some of the things I learned on this last trip.  Yes, it's good to be home.

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