In case you've not been paying attention to the news - mostly the catty, essentially unbearable last five minutes of happy chat at the end of local newscasts - lately, you may have missed that the world is to come to an end Saturday, 21 May. That's tomorrow.
The person predicting the end, or the long-awaited rapture, has been off target before, having predicted this cataclysmic event once before in 1994. These "end of times" predictions are nothing new. The cry that "the end is near" has been around since about ten minutes after Adam and Eve got evicted in the first recorded landlord-tenant dispute. And yet, we're still here.
To be sure, the world's a mess, but that being said, there's still an awesome amount of good and a lot of good work still to be done. So I'm going to trust in what the Savior himself taught about the Second Coming, when he said: But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. I feel a lot more confident in that statement.
But, is it terrible to wonder if I can use the predicted rapture as a way of getting out of the Fathers/Sons overnighter tonight?
Sooo you are saying is that I probably should have made my car payment after all? Now you tell me.