10 May 2011

Time Stands Still

That great and mighty 1980's sage and philosopher, Ferris Bueller, once intoned, "Life moves pretty fast.  If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."  Wise words from the great Ferris. 

I've been thinking more than a little about those words of wisdom (not to be confused with those other words of wisdom found here) as I look at what's happening in my family.  There's much going on but it feels like time is standing still as I watch it all happen.

CAL is on the edge of graduating from high school.  I'm sorry but wasn't she just making me a bookmark with gobs of Elmer's glue in kindergarten?  Her "Congratulations, Graduate" sign (yet another 'We have to get it!' part of graduation, adding to the full-frontal assault on my wallet that is high school) was posted in the front yard last night.  The stunningly patient and mighty fine SML saw it and wept.  I, on the other hand, was like "YES!"  It's the same way I felt several years ago when Our Lady of BYU was just a couple of weeks away from graduation.  However, I also cried like a little girl the night of her graduation, after all my bravado about declaring myself more than ready to see her head off to school.  Methinks the same thing will happen in two weeks when CAL walks onto the field (assuming Mother Nature behaves and doesn't force graduation indoors) in her graduation finery. 

The Boy is wrapping up a very good freshmen year.  He's had a great time playing school volleyball and he's made Student Government for the second year in a row.  He's just a few months shy of, in theory, getting his drivers' license.  That should be fun, particularly for my insurance company.  I believe they are already planning on an all-company party the day the Boy gets added to my insurance.  That's going to hurt.  I look at him and think it was just yesterday that he was five years old and he and I flew to Philadelphia for his first X-Games?

Our Lady Of BYU is all kinds of happy right now.  She's enjoying a break from school and having an amazing time.  I talk to her and it feels like I need to make time stop.  She's really an adult.  She's making adult decisions.  And they are good and wise but I'm wishing  that I could somehow make time stand still.  Wasn't it just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital?  No, only unless yesterday was more than twenty-one years ago.

Sure, I wish I could make time stand still.  Ferris is right...life moves pretty fast.  Really fast.  I'm just trying to synch how fast life is moving with my ability to catch up.  Or deal with it.  Yeah, good luck with that.  I know.

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