04 April 2012


With wins in Wisconsin, Maryland, and Washington DC this week for Mitt "I'm running as a serious conservative" Romney, it seems his nomination as the 2012 Republican presidential nominee is assured.

A couple of things: A) his statement above suggests that his track record of flipping will continue.  He said "...as a serious conservative."  That statement is slippery from a usage perspective.  It suggests that now he's the serious conservative, whereas before or even later, not so much.

B) Much has been made of Mitt's membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Far too much.  Far too much was made of John F. Kennedy's Catholicism.  Kennedy wasn't taking orders from the Pope while in the White House, as so many feared.  They should have feared the orders from Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack but that's another issue all together.  Likewise, Mitt will not be taking orders from the Prophet.  Mitt understands the separation of church and state and I appreciate that he knows that. While it's no secret that I am an anti-Mittite, which is a fun position to hold when you are a member of the same faith as said candidate, I do appreciate his understanding of this principle.

Mitt, and I'll say it again, to his credit, has never claimed that his run for the presidency is a calling from on high. Because it's not. It's something he's doing on his own.  He's got the cash to burn, so let him go for it. But his run for the presidency is not a mission from God. Typically when someone claims that what they are doing in the name of God on a political level, it doesn't end well.  Look no further than the Crusades, most of the drama in the Middle East, or the shenanigans of Al Qaeda.  It did work for the Blues Brothers though.  Sure, their mission from God led to all manner of explosions and destruction in Chicago but Cook County got their taxes and the Penguin kept her orphanage.  That mission worked out well, as well it should have.

1 comment:

  1. Santorum, Bachman, Cain, Perry all said that God told them to run for President.

    Obama never made that claim - because he think he IS God.

    That leaves Mitt.

