06 May 2012


Some 40 some odd days ago, the stunningly patient and mighty fine SML and I put our home on the market.  Much like six years ago, when we put our dream house in California up for the sale, the market is a train wreck.  Sure, it's not as bad as it was a couple of years ago, but it's still not been a fun time to have a house on the market.  It's been a trying time.  Selling a house is never a walk in the park.

I am delighted to report that the house has been SOLD.  We signed the deal a couple of days ago.  So now we wait for the house inspection and it's off to the races, as it were.  With the deal signed, we are relieved.  We are grateful.  We have A LOT to do before the close in just four weeks.

I was talking with a friend today as we navigated our way through the thunderstorm, ground-stopped chaos that was O'Hare/ORD and he looked at me and said, 'Can you believe all that you guys have been through in the last six months?'  He's absolutely right.  Six months ago, I had no idea I'd be uprooting my family again. Six months ago, I had no idea I'd be unemployed for a few months.  Six months ago, we had two daughters in college.  It's all changed.  A few things haven't changed though.  Our sense of gratitude to a loving Father in Heaven who has been with us every step of the way through this time.  This has been a time of proving our faith.  I don't like to think of it as a trial.  It's really been an opportunity for us to prove our faith.  He has always taken care of us or led us in a way so that things worked out.  The opportunity to prove that faith will continue as we still have to move and find new digs.  The Den needs a new place to call home, people.  And let me say thank you to you, good readers, who have expressed your support to us.  It's meant a lot.  The prayers, the good thoughts, the metaphorical goat slaughtering.  Thank you.

We'll get through this next phase with our collective sense of humor intact as well.  We have to since there's really no crying here in the Den.  It's all going work out but expect stories from the quest for new digs as the months unfold. It's going to be a fun summer.

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