04 July 2012


The United States of America celebrates its 236th birthday today.  It's an auspicious event and it's celebrated in all kinds of ways across the country.  There is, however, one thing that ties all those celebrations together and that's something truly, uniquely American: excess.

Whether it's showy parades, overeating, or overly zealous, even xenophobic, displays of patriotism (I'm talking to you Facebook postings - where's the dislike button when you really need it?!), we Americans know how to celebrate our nation's founding with a gush of excess.  That is one of the beauties of this great nation - we are free to celebrate with excess.  Free is the key word here - we are free.

There are so many things that are good about this nation.  In spite of what the Mittites say, this nation is not coming apart at the seams.  We are not at the brink of collapse.  This isn't Syria or Somalia, nor is it Communist Russia.  We are a free and blessed nation.  Remember that.

I am delighted to live in a country where my family and I are free to celebrate our nation's birth as we choose.  And we chose to buy appliances today, taking advantage of the 'Founding Father's Sale' on washers and dryers.  As a good friend of mine said today, 'That's what the founding fathers would have wanted.' Of that I am sure.

Happy Independence Day!

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