11 May 2013


Rest assured...this isn't allowed in CT, people.
Martha Stewart wouldn't have it, no way, no how.
Once again, the good and unseen souls at dictionary.com have given meaning to words and today's word is:


and it is defined as the state of being prominent; conspicuousness.

Take a look at the train wreck couple to the left and I think it's safe to say that they are just a tiny bit conspicuous. But hey, it was their prom night and they felt justified in what they unleashed wore. The Trail Blazers should sue them.

We have Prom on the mind here in the Den because tonight is The Boy's Junior Prom and it's an event of some prominence, no matter how silly it all seems. We were able to join him, Olivia, his date, and several other couples and their parents for pictures before they all left. It is shaping up to be a fun, memorable night for The Boy. I'll let a few pictures tell the story.
Pinning the corsage...no blood drawn!
The Boy and Olivia

The Boy and some of his bros
The Boy and Dad (um...that would be me)

The Boy and the mighty fine SML (um...his mother, of course)

Look up!
So this rite of passage for The Boy is under way. Prom has changed since I went to Prom thirty years ago. There was only one event, no Junior Prom one week and a Senior Prom the following week. There was no "lock down" concept and you went to dinner wherever you wanted. The Boy's Prom is a lock down, where dinner and the dance are all in the same place. From the looks of it, dinner appears to be something from the economy class kitchens of SkyChefs, and no good can come from that.  None. Further, they have to do a breathalyzer upon arrival at said event. Again, none of that when I went to Prom and given all the sordid shenanigans that were part and parcel for many of those in attendance, there should have been.

It will be fun to hear his take on things when he gets home. He's got a pretty unique take on things. This is one of those nights where you trust that the things you've taught your child, be it a son or daughter, stick. I felt a little bit of pressure, self-imposed mind you, to tell Olivia's parents that their daughter would be taken care of by the Boy. It felt good to hear them both say they trusted him completely. Yeah, I think it's going to be a good night for these guys and all their friends.

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