21 July 2013

Small World

Every once in awhile, you get a reminder that in spite of its vast size, this world really is small. No, we did not just make a visit to Disneyland, wherein one may be subjected to the cultural/ethnic stereotyping terror ride that is "It's A Small World." Awful cultural stereotyping. Parental killing. Seriously, Disney...work out your issues somewhere else. Nor were we playing a rousing round of 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.' Instead, earlier this week the Boy found himself in upstate New York face-to-face with one of my mission companions who I have not seen in probably twenty three years. 23!

Here's how it all went down: The Boy and a buddy threw a tent in the trunk and decided to drive over to Palmyra, New York to see the Hill Cumorah Pageant, an event which focuses on the Book of Mormon. After securing their spot at a KOA campground (they still exist!), whose owners were highly suspicious of two teen-age boys, they headed off to the pageant. While waiting for the event to start, cast members mill around talking to the assembling crowds. One guy stopped and talked to the Boy and his buddy for awhile. The Boy thought nothing of the encounter until his return home the next night. They had a good time at the Pageant, assuaged the fears of the KOA people by not causing a single issue, and got to see a little bit more of the area in which we now live.

As he was telling us about it when he got home, I mentioned that a friend of mine had posted pictures of himself and family at the Pageant on BookFace as they were cast members. The Boy took one look at the picture and said, 'Dad, that guy totally talked to us last night.' That guy was my second companion when I served as a missionary more than twenty five years ago. I asked the Boy if he was sure and he said he was. I messaged said friend and told him what the Boy had recounted. He responded quickly, saying he recalled talking with a couple of kids from Connecticut and we put two and two together. In fact, they'd unknowingly connected. Hence, what a small world. It really is small. It's good to be connected to it.

And if that awful Disney ride tune is stuck in your head now, I can only say I'm sorry.

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