08 October 2014


I find myself a bit flummoxed (is that not one of the greatest words the English language has to offer?) as I write tonight. The call to action I heard on Saturday and wrote about that same day has ruled much of my thinking since then. In that time, as I found myself in Midtown and the East Village, it feels like the homeless population has quadrupled. It pains me to realize that my handing out a couple bucks here and there is not to going to solve the monumental issue that is poverty in this country. I just can't figure out what I can do to make more of a difference.

I've been to the Sisters of Charity Mission in Kolkata, India and have seen the legacy of Mother Teresa in action. The work of these missionaries is as awe-inspiring as is gut-wrenching the epic poverty and suffering they are trying so hard to alleviate. Although it was brief but powerfully rewarding, I worked in philanthropy long enough to know the good organizations from the bad. I know there are so many out there trying to right what is, to me, a fundamental wrong. No child should go to school hungry. No mentally ill (and can we please get over that stigma) person should be left on a street corner. 

We can do so much more for our brothers and sisters. This nation is still such a land of abundance and opportunity, regardless of what the 'truth tellers' on Fox News may say. This isn't a Red State / Blue State issue. This is about people who hurt and who need help. Not one of us can say we haven't hurt or needed help. How lucky we have been to have had the resources and support network to get through those moments. 

I guess my flummoxed state comes from the overwhelming nature of the challenge and the fact that there are so many ways to help. If you've found an organization or someway to help your fellowman, I would love to hear about it. 

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