17 March 2016


I am delighted to report that the late update this week from TMFKATB is not my fault (nor is it the fault of our nation's passenger rail provider, upon whom I have rightly foisted the blame in the past). No, due to a change in schedules, his weekly day off, or P-Day in mission vernacular, was changed to today. If there was one word I could use the describe this week's update, it would be 'power.'

He talked about the power of seeing a husband baptize his wife. He spoke about the power of prayer. At twenty years old, to have personal experiences that cement your witness of prayer and its power is one of those things that helps to anchor you for life. His comments reminded me how I could be more effective in my prayers. I think that sometimes they are not getting past my ceiling and that's on me. Prayer is a leap of faith and there are times when I need to jump a little higher. I recognize that for some of the Den-izens, prayer is not your thing. I just appreciate the fact that you can indulge me in this little space on the interwebs. He also talked about the power of good examples. Those examples are making a difference for him as he progresses during his mission service. I'm grateful for that.

I'm glad that he's somewhat insulated as he serves from the craptastic examples of our nation's politicians (um, Congress, #DoYourJob) and one racist, violence-inciting, habitual lying presidential candidate. Yeah, those examples...I am profoundly ungrateful. But that's another post.

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