17 April 2008

Ding Dong! The Wicked Winter is Dead!

With no apologies to the Wicked Witch of the West with whom this last Chicagoland winter shared far too much in common, I am thrilled to declare winter over! The headline in yesterday's Chicago Tribune declared that the predicted 70 degree temperature would be the first 70 degree reading in SIX months! And Mother Nature did not disappoint! When I landed at O'Hare yesterday at about 530PM from a speaking gig in Pittsburgh, the temp reading on the trusty Swedemobile was 70 degrees. I nearly cried like a little girl! The sunroof was open and I was off downtown to a business dinner on Navy Pier, Chicagoland's waterside tourist trap.

The glory of Spring carried into today, mercifully. I probably should have stayed later than I did at the office, but it was just too stunning out to stay in the office, so I fled at about 430PM. As soon as I got home, Parker and I headed over to the forest preserve near our house, Herrick Lake, and went for a run. Did two miles and it was stunning. It was so awesome to be outside. Here's a shot of Herrick (courtesy of our BOSS park system in Dupage County):

It was really fun to run with Parker. Now that Spring is here and I found that my knees/shins were not screaming for mercy, we'll be running outside a whole lot more.

Well, "The Office" has started. I'm out. Priorities, you know.


  1. Anonymous18.4.08

    Dude...were not the last two *new* episodes AWESOME! I am so freakin' crazy about this show! "Hello, is this Wendy?" Classic...

    Lisa :)

  2. I am such a slacker. I LOVE the office, and totally forgot to watch it last night! Thank goodness I can stream it to my laptop and listen with my headphones. I can't believe I forgot. . .
