27 September 2014

The Empty Nest, or Our New Normal

With the stunningly patient and mighty fine SML's return last night from her week-long sojourn in the deserts of Arizona, we have officially embarked on our new life as empty nesters.

For those of you of a certain age, I beg you to please not confuse our new life with that which was depicted in the massively awful late 80's/early 90's sitcom, 'Empty Nest,' which reminds us A) what a vast cultural wasteland was the state of television in those bleak years and B) that the male lead was actually the Bald Eagle in 'The Muppet Show.' Seriously, this new life of ours is far from a sitcom. What it has been and will continue to be is is a pretty simple, good life.

I mean today was fairly mundane. I had my version of a 'spa' day - in the barber''s chair, getting a haircut and watching a Premier League match. Then it was off to the grocery store where we spent about half what we normally do now that it's just the two of us. If this continues, this is a benefit of the Empty Nest Syndrome that I'm going to really, really like. We then hung out later in the afternoon at a little deli/market, grabbed a couple slices o'pizza, and watched people go by. It was nice to just soak up the sun, as this will probably be the last really nice weekend we have for awhile, and and just be together.

We still have a lot to figure out as we embrace this new life. But let me be clear, no one is depressed or suffering clinical anxiety as a result of our last one, The Missionary formerly known as The Boy, leaving. It's actually a pretty exciting time for us. Who knows what we'll do? Maybe we'll take up a hobby together. If you're expecting it to be ballroom dancing, you can just forget about that right now.

Bollywood dancing, maybe, as that would go nicely with my current obsession with the music of Panjabi MC; but ballroom dancing, no way, no how.

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