14 February 2012

Delivering on Valentine's Day

My disregard for Valentine's Day is widely-known and has been chronicled here for the last three years (read here, here, and here for a bitter recap), so I'll not pen another diatribe about it today.  I'll just say that my sentiments about this day have not changed.  I'm sure this will come as a shock to many of you, and by many of you,  I mean no one.

That said, I did do something to bring people happiness today.  A very smart friend of ours opened her own cupcake bakery without the benefit of a storefront.  She has marketed her business almost 100% via social media and she's done really well.  The marketing is super-smart and the product is delicious.  She found that she needed help with deliveries today and so I signed up to be a delivery man.

That's right - I facilitated bringing people happiness on Valentine's Day. It was pretty straight-forward and incident-free. The majority of my deliveries were to businesses.  I heard a lot of things from receptionists like, "Well I wish someone would send me cupcakes."  I refrained from saying back to one of them, "Well I wish you hadn't worn that sweatshirt with the picture of your cat framed by a heart on it."  Today was a day to be nice.  I mean I even wore a red shirt to be in the spirit of things.  Like I said, it was incident-free with the exception of one awkward moment.

The one residential delivery I did was from a wife to her husband.  It was obvious when he got to the door that his day was just beginning.  He gave me a weird look as I stood at his door, carrying a couple boxes of smartly-decorated cupcakes.  I asked him to confirm his name and I handed over the goods.  I told him they were for Valentine's Day and he looked at me with just a hint of concern.  "Sir," I said, "they aren't from me.  I'm just the delivery guy."  We both laughed, relieved to have avoided what would have been a really awkward incident.

It was a good thing to do today.  Tonight will be good as well.  The Sacramento Kings are in town to play the Bulls, so we are going to that game tonight.  The Boy is convinced that if we get there early enough, he can make it court-side and shoot a few with  Jimmer.  Good luck with that.

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