I think that guy was me before I dropped the extra poundage.
It's been an awesome day here in Chicagoland. The angry, angry shebeast that is winter in Chicago looks like it's truly on her last withered legs. Not a cloud in the blue sky and there was a glowing disc in the sky that apparently is called the sun that teased one and all with something we aren't particularly familiar with - warmth. I got up and made a rocking scrambled egg and hot italian sausage pizza for the family breakfast. It could not have been easier to make (note to self - use a whole wheat dough next time) and it was really good. Here's the "fruit" of that labor:

After that, I had some running to do. And not on that instrument of sheer boredom, the treadmill. It was incredible to be outside. I ran to our little 'downtown' as I was on a mission to get the muffin top pan as well as another pair of running shorts (as I left one pair in a hotel room in Honolulu - I can only hope that they are being put to good use as I am never going to see them again). It was a nice 4K jaunt downtown until I ran into the lame local St. Patrick's Day Parade. I was not festooned in green and was clearly the odd man out in that parade conga line. But who cares...I had shorts and pans to buy. I was successful on the shorts but no-go on the pan. Turns out I am not the only one obsessed with muffin tops. The lady at our local Sur La Table informed me that they sell out of them as soon as they put them out. Who even knew? I'll have to stalk the joint on any given Thursday when new shipments arrive. Duly noted on the calendar.
The stunningly patient SML, CAL, and the Boy met me downtown so we could get SML's cell phone fixed and then it was off for lunch. We believe we have found the closest thing that we are going to get to that temple of simple burger perfection that is In-n-Out Burger. Thy name is Meatheads. One could argue that it's a pretty close rip-off of the In-n-Out. Fairly simple menu (even down to the red and white lettering), everything appears to be fresh and not frozen, and it tastes good, particularly the cajun fries. Friendly staff and crowds of people lined up for a burger. The stunningly patient SML even proclaimed it may be better than the In-n-Out. I would argue that the long, long winter has affected her, but I would say that this place absolutely fills the burger ticket as we remain here in the Midwest.
Looking forward to a quiet night but man, it's been a good day. Love, love, love days like this.
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