01 January 2010

2010 Resolutions

As the first day of January starts to wind down, I find myself pondering my resolutions for 2009 and realize I had one - giving up colas, caffeinated or otherwise. On January 1, 2009, I proclaimed that I was done with them. How did I do?

I am delighted to report that 365 days later, I did it. Not even a sip passed these lips in 2009. Not that I didn't want to on more than one occasion, but I did it. And frankly, by June, I didn't even miss the stuff anymore to be honest.

So, what does that mean for 2010? Goals? Resolutions? Well, here's a few in no particular order:

Finish my first half marathon
I'm registered already for the Half as a part of the Illinois Marathon on May 1, 2010. I'm registered for a winter half-marathon training program that starts next month. The real goal here is three-fold: A) finish the thing; B) finish it without vomiting or severely chapped nipples; and C) finishing it without bringing a lot of shame on myself and my family. At this point I'm not certain on any of the three.

Keeping My 1K/GS Status on UnitedThis is going to be critical. And frankly, very tough to do without some very creative mileage runs this year. My budget for travel at work is basically $0.00 for the year and so it's not going to be a slam-dunk by any stretch to make 1K and beyond. The strategizing is already keeping me up at night. I know the stunningly patient and mighty fine SML wants me to achieve this one badly. Selfishly too. And I don't blame her. She wants nothing to do with the ramifications of me after a long flight where I wasn't upgraded...

Glenn Beck "He could be your friend." What? How is this a resolution? I have a friend, who shall remain nameless, who has a deep and abiding admiration for all things Glenn Beck. This, as you can imagine, has led to more than one heated conversation between the two of us and anyone else who happens to get caught in the blowback. Said friend has met GB and swears that GB and I would actually be good friends. I think this is nuts but who am I to judge? But that comment haunts me for a host of reasons, far too numerous to list here, and I think I am going to delve into it as a part of my resolutions for the year. What on earth could we have in common? Oh my.

So that's the lay of the land for 2010. Let's see if I do as well with these as I do with the one I set for 2009. I'm ready to go.

1 comment:

Dave and Katie Anderson said...

Hi Mike, I am a little behind in reading blogs, but I am glad I went back a few days to see this one of yours. It is amazing...not only are you and GB alike in many ways, you also look a like! At first I thought the photo of GB was you. :) a little scary I would say!!! EHQ