17 August 2008

You're in the what?

It's appropriate today to point readers of the "den" to a link on our church website. In doing so, I hope you'll indulge me and allow a bit more personal post tonight. The link will also help those that are not members of the Church when they hear me say that I have been called to serve in a bishopbric. Hence...you're in the what?

Local leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are part of a lay clergy and so it's something outside of, or in addition to, your professional life. Today I was called to serve, or be a part of the lay clergy in our church, as second counselor in the Bishopbric of the Naperville 1st Ward (ward is akin to a local parish). I find myself humbled, honored, and excited by the opportunity. I'll be serving with great people and more importantly serving great people within our ward. What better way to grow closer to God than serving His children...

The timing of this calling was sweet. Sarah arrived home last night from her summer term at BYU. So she was in Church today and my dad flew up Saturday night as well to be a part of this event in our family's life. I could not have been more honored to have him here. I'd do well to follow his example of service more and more.

I suspect, no, I know, that this is going to be a tremendous learning experience for me and one that will benefit my family enormously. I'm excited to see what this brings as I am challenged to grow, improve, and serve. I find myself remembering the days when I was a young missionary and when it was second-nature to be humble-always ready to be taught. It's a great way to receive insight and teaching from our Father.

It's also going to be incredibly busy. So what's the first thing I do? Leave the country. Nice. Australia is five days away. All kinds of excited about that!


heidi said...

you'll be great.

enjoy your Australia trip...sounds fun!

jill said...

Michael...did you tell them of your devotioin to Obama? They might have changed their minds...JK
But seriously, I couldn't think of anyone more worthy for such a calling, you will be fantastic!

kEllY said...


Congrats on the call. I know you will do wonderful things for the people of Naperville.

I wish I was in your ward. Is there a trailer park nearby?

Love to your family!

Naomi said...
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Naomi said...

Couldn't have happened to a better guy. Of course, now you'll have to put your write in campaign on hold--you'll be far too busy for political aspirations.

The ward better buckle up and get ready for a great ride!