16 April 2011

Dear Runners - A Plea

To My Fellow Runners,
This morning, it was my privilege to volunteer at a ten-mile race.  More than a thousand of you, my fellow runners, braved the rain and typical midwestnern spring weather (cold) to run.  From my position on the course where I was working, I can tell you that you were an amazing sight.

Seeing the race from this angle gave me some new insight.  I guess I'd not taken into account what a bunch of runners look like during a race.  I know in the races that I've run I've been far too consumed with my own form and the overwhelming urge to not embarrass myself to be worried about what we look like as a whole.

Today, I learned something as I had hundreds of runners sailing past me.  What did I learn?  I learned about the power of support.  I'm not talking about the support you get from your fellow runners, running bloggers or from family friends.  I'm not talking about the support you get from a gel or an energy booster.  No, I'm talking about the support you get from the appropriate running gear and most especially, the appropriate under support.  Said support was sorely lacking today.  There was far too much junk, from both sides of the gender fence, flying around today and it needs to stop.  If I have to describe any further for you to understand then you have to get out more.

So, I'll keep this uncharacteristically brief (no pun intended) - let's stop traumatizing non-runners and support appropriately.  That is all.  Thank you.

A Fellow Runner

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